On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:47:23 -0500, David Chang-Sang
> I've never been in.. I've tried a number of times to photograph it.. and I
> finally got images that will make a decent triptych. All were cropped down
> to 5x5 and then run through the Holga Filter and Sepia in photoshop.  It
> only seemed like the right thing to do for the age, and state, of that
> restaurant.
> http://www.chang-sang.com/photo/lj/users/nexus/060105/crop038_holga.jpg
> http://www.chang-sang.com/photo/lj/users/nexus/060105/crop040_holga.jpg
> http://www.chang-sang.com/photo/lj/users/nexus/060105/crop041_holga.jpg
> In that order.


Hey, we should have a TOPDML there one day.  

And hope we get out with our cameras intact...  <vbg>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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