Hi Chris,

Chris Brogden skrev:
> You can use it both ways, but if you use it as a ballhead, then you
> have
> to loosen and tighten two knobs instead of one, and you only get
> movement
> in two planes, not three.  There are more expensive ballheads that
> let  you
> lock motion in individual planes, but I think that's out of
> your budget,

OK, that is really worth considering, and yes, you are right
about my budget. Even if without the budget restraints I will
not spend that much, before knowing that I really want that
kind of equipment.

> > Regarding ballheads, people here on the list have said that it is
>> not
> > good for macro photography, and as that is one thing I would like to
> > test, I hesitate a bit to get one.
> My opinion?  Try them both.  When it comes to tripods and heads,
> nothing
> beats using them in the field to find out your preferences.

I believe you are right here, but I can not afford both at this
time, so I guess I will buy one of the "cheaper" heads to get
some experience.

>  I did a lot
> of research before buying my 141RC (3-way head), but after a
> few weeks of
> using it I found that my shooting style was better suited by a
> ballhead.  The 141RC sounded good in theory, but I personally found it
> too
> much hassle to move it in multiple planes simultaneously.

I have heard almost exactly the same points from others,
but in general about 3-way heads.

> chris
> > | "There was a point to this story,                       | \  ____/ / /
> > |  but it has temporarily escaped the cronicler's mind."  |  \ \ \/ / /
> Isn't that "chronicler's"?
> :)

Hmmpf, right, I will have to correct that :-(

Thanks for your friendly advice, you are very helpful.

Best regards,
J.B  Joergen Blomgren  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
                       home:   user.tninet.se/~soy123d       __________
                                                            /_______  /\
| "There was a point to this story,                       | \  ____/ / /
|  but it has temporarily escaped the cronicler's mind."  |  \ \ \/ / /
| Last sentence in "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" |   \ \ \/ /
| Part Four of Five In the Trilogy                        |    \ \  /
| "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams |     \_\/

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