In a message dated 1/25/2005 10:53:15 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Your position is inconsistent. One the one hand you claim to believe
that there is no external reality. On the other you claim that the
observer affects the observed. These positions are incompatible. If
there is no external reality then there is no observed.
Don't agree. No inconsistency to me. And if you boil it down -- I think what 
I originally said was that there was no universal objective truth. Only 
subjective truth.

BTW, no one can debate me into a corner because I do not "play" by debating 
rules. I find them totally silly. 

(Message resent, because it did not appear -- sorry if there are duplicates.)

I will add to this resend, that you are equating universal object truth with 
external reality. A common mistake.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

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