Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 11:21:57 AM, Alexandru-Cristian wrote:
ACS> Hi,

ACS> Have you heard about Opemus enlargers? The only thing I know is
ACS> they're russians :(

I don't want to sound like a patriot (which I am
definitely not), but they are made here, in Czech republic. And many
of them are rather good. Which model do you mean? Opemuses are for
35mm film, and should support 6x6 as well I think. Never used them
though. I use Magnifax IV, which is the larger model and the best from

For some info on models and age of them, see
Found the museum with model description here:
Suffice to say, old models are rounded, looking like zeppelins or
cigars. Newer models are squared, box-like. Accessories
like glass/less carriers, antinewton glass, multigrade/colour head,
etc. are harder to get for the older models, sometime impossible. The
Opemus might be a good all-round model, and used should be very cheap.
If you want to do a lot of rollfilm, get a larger model, the
Magnifax III or IV. Gianfranco, how was it with the neg
carriers/plates, does it print fullframe with neg borders?

What else. The models I know are very well build, rugged and all
metal. Better in my opinion than the cheap offerings from Durst or
similar. And here in the Central/Eastern Europe, it's probably the
cheapest good enlarger you can get. I think they are better than the
Krokus from Poland, which I used as well.

If it comes with a lens - Belar and Anarets are the average. Enough
for smaller prints, but for larger detailed B&W you want better. Either
Meogon (which,I have heard, is pretty good) or a Rodenstock/Nikkor/whatever.

Hope this helps. It was a pleasant excursion, now I must get back to
work ;-) I just today got better from an illness, and all these
back-logged things to do :-(

Good light!

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