On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 22:25:52 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Went out to farm country today. Done it before, took picture of barn one time
> while there. Taken pictures of trees, hills, farmhouse, horses, etc. Today I
> went a bit too late, too many shadows and the shadows got deeper by the time I
> was done.
> But I think, even with shadow, this one came out okay.
> It's a simple image, one I've actually shot before. It would probably be
> better with more light. Next time I will head out earlier.
> It calms me to go to that area. Funny, the farmers drive by in their trucks
> and smile at me when they see the camera (only about six to eight farms around
> there). Only been challenged once a couple of years ago (when I was taking a
> picture of a particular farm). Lady (obviously the owner of that particular
> farm, or co-owner) stopped her truck by me, I showed her the camera, and said,
> "It's beautiful here -- I just love the area." Never been challenged since. 
> :-)
> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/PAWS/pages/farm2.htm
> Comments welcome, naturally.

I like it a lot.

The way the old tree frames the hill, the way the fence-line bisects
the hill, the little orchard on the right.  The hill is so smooth,
surprisingly verdant given that the trees are bare (maybe a California
thing?).  Everything in the photo looks so ancient, as if man's been
in the space for hundreds of years, and now has again left nature to
it's own devices.

Lovely, somewhat muted colours, well suited to the subject matter.

Great stuff.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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