How is the coupling between the lens and camera body?  Look for a
little metal bar just inside of the lens mount.  It should move
circularly around the inside of the lens mount.  Sounds like it is
slipping off of the lens aperture lever.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Sun,  6 Feb 2005 18:01:00 -0600, Brian Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Don
> Quoting Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I've seen no differences other than the color and diag.
> > prism in the ones I've owned.
> > What is your meter 'anomaly'?
> >
> > > I recently picked up a nice SE (Special Edition?) version of the
> > ME on
> > > Ebeagh.  It's in great condition apart from an exposure meter
> > anomaly
> > > which I can live with for now.
> Basically the meter reads OK when the lens is first attached but
> subsequently underexposes.
> For example, if I fit the lens with its aperture set at f22 it reads
> OK and continues to read OK as I move the aperture ring up to f1.7
> with shutter speeds becoming faster as the lens opening is increased.
> If I then move the ring back towards f22, shutter speeds remain far
> too fast.  The only way to get reasonable readings again is to take
> the lens off and start again with a small aperture.
> Cheers
> Brian
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Brian Walters
> Western Sydney, Australia

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