On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 00:38:42 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I've found the LX autoexposure extremely accurate. Of course in situations 
> that aren't neutral, exposure compensation must be applied. That's true of 
> any exposure system.
> Paul

Maybe it's my sample, then.

I've taken a photo where the indicator says (for instance) 1/30th, and
it sounds like the shutter is open ~waaaay~ longer than that.  So, so
be certain, I'll take another one, same scene, same vantage point,
same lens, same framing same everything.  The second exposure "sounds"
about right.  When I get the contacts back, the first one is (as
expected) way overexposed, the second, more or less fine.

Maybe it's a flaw that my body has, but it's happened enough that I've
stopped relying on auto exposure.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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