Hope this Velvia 100 does make it to the US. A
different color pallet from 100F is encouraging  to
read. If resolution should approach that of the 50, my
Provia 100F might have a some competition even though
Fuji claims Provia 100F, also, has a finer grain than


--- Pål Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Henri wrote:
> > Fuji has apparently released a new film, called
> Velvia 100 (not to be 
> > confused with 100F).
> > According to the press release it has finer grain
> than 50, at twice the 
> > speed.
> > Next year Velvia 50 will be gone from the shelves.
> This film was released a couple of years ago along
> with the Velvia 100F and Astia 100F. I doubt Velvia
> 50 will be gone from the shelves next year as the
> Velvia 100 doesn't have a remotely similar color
> palette.
> Pål

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