   I have one question about this lens, the first version (ATX
   2.6-2.8/28-70, not the later 2.8/28-70 or the last more plasticky
   2.8/28-70 ATX SV). I have borrowed it for a while from a friend,
   and after shooting some with it, it seems this sample is very best
   corrected for close focus, like portrait distances of 1 or 2
   meters. There it is exceptional even wide open, I was quite
   surprised. Farther away the performance drops, with some coma and
   some softness. It's not bad even there, but just needs more stops
   down. I was curious about this happening, and wanted to ask if
   others who used this lens (mind you, just the first version,
   2.6-2.8, rumoured to be designed by Angieneux), have similar
   experience or not?


Good light!

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