On 20/2/05, frank theriault, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Sadly (and I make no connection WRT levels of morality here), those
>Southern US white who wanted the Jim Crow laws upheld, and wanted
>systemic racism to continue, used the "it's part of our heritage"
>argument, so when I see that argument used elsewhere, I'm less than
>swayed by it.

I take your point Frank. I mention the length of time that particular
hunt has been going merely as a point of fact - it's not intended to
sway. I could have written '..that has over 200 members...' or '...that
has killed thousands of foxes..' but I thought the 170 years seemed
relevant in the brief introduction.

>Again, not commenting on the hunt, just that particular argument.

Understood. Honest, I'm not trying to influence you mate ;-)

>And, again, terrific work, Cotty.  Each photo stands on it's own;  as
>a group they are spectacular.

Thanks from the heart of my bottom.

Time for a cup of tea :-)


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