Well this is only half a Pentax lens, Rear Converter-A 2X-S.  The other
half of the lens is an old medium price Bushnell screw mount 200mm tele.
The combination shows chromatic aberration / blooming wide open.  I've
added some 100% crops to show how the nasties can be cured.



At 07:44 AM 21/02/2005 , Shel wrote:
>There have been some comments on the list to the effect that some manual
>focus Pentax lenses don't produce very good results when used with the
>istD(s).  A little more information is needed.  Which lenses are giving
>poor results?  In what way are the results poor?  When using a particular
>lens, are the problems only in certain circumstances, or across the board. 
>I've seen some awful looking results with some longer lenses (Paul's bird
>shots), but they seemed to be relegated to backlit scenes.  So, any
>comments on the quality of images with various manual lenses would be
>appreciated. Reasonably sized pics (sections of larger images) might be
>helpful as well.

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