At 08:16 AM 5/22/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Tiger Moses wrote:
>> Were are going to assume a wide angel is what you desire, 
>Hi Tiger ...
>Why would you assume that?

Well, he's going to, didn't say he was going near.
Its like I dont say I going to the Rockly mountains and stop at
Oklahoma/Colorado border.

If he used a 200mm and was near the mountains, he might not get enough extra
to amke it a scenic picture.  He gets a peak, or a bolder or a snow cliff.
I assume he already has a camera, and assume he probably has a 50mm, so what
else would he near for the mountains = something wider.
Now for the TRIP he migh tbenefit from 100+mm lenses for the people and
other photo ops, but to photograph mountains, a wide angle is the most
common application I would presume, never said it was the only.

Fair assumption?

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