I'm quite fond of the lens. Although I use primes for serious long lens work, I 
like the 80/320 for walkarounds. I've posted a couple shots from it previously, 
but I'll reference them again. This shot is handheld of a moving subject at 320 
with continuous autofocus:

This guy is at 200 or thereabouts, handheld:

> > I've seen references to the 80-320 on DPReview and have seen some 
> > impressive pictures with it. How does it perform relative to the 
> > F100-300/4.5-5.6 that I've also seen? And compared to the A-70-210/4?
> As posted recently mine performs as well if not better than the A 70-210 @ 
> 200mm but I've never tried the F100-300. There seems to be some issues, some 
> people report very good performance others not so good. I'm also quite 
> satisfied with performance at 320mm. FWIW mine's black and made in Japan.
> John

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