Am I the only one who is bothered by these discrepencies? Is it really a problem? Is there a solution ............ ?

When I use the finder on my Mac (OS X) to open the DCIM > 100PENTX folder on a CF card shot in my *istD, and select a RAW file in list view, the column headed "Date Modified" shows the actual date and time that the photo was shot; the column headed "Date Created" says "Dec 31, 1903" ....... I would have expected "Date Created" to show the date and time the photo was shot, and the "Date Modified" to be empty or show the actual creation date, too.

In the Metadata panel of Photoshop CS, before you select an image in the browser, the fields available are "Date Created" and "Date Modified," but when you select a RAW image, the "Date Created" field disappears completely, and the "Date Modified" shows the actual creation date & time.

If you select a RAW file from the finder and do a "Get Info" command, the Info window shows two dashes "--" in the "Created" field, and shows the actual date and time the photo was made in the "Modified" field.

Re: JPG files, Photoshop Browser shows correct Created and Modified dates/times, as do the Finder window and Get Info window.

Why are dates and times wrong for RAW files? Is it a Pentax issue, a Mac issue, or a Photoshop issue?

Tom Lesser
Frederick MD

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