On Mar 16, 2005, at 4:20 AM, Jostein wrote:

Looks like a Mac and/or Photoshop problem.

I just used the Windows Explorer and added some custom fields to the Details
view. One field called "image created date" shows nothing. I agree with you
about the interpretation of the file created date, but it would have been nice
if the image created date was correctly set as well.

Interestingly, the Pentax Photo browser has got a third take on this. Below the
thumbnail, it shows a date that varies with local timezone, while the
"date/time" field in the metadata below shows an absolute timestamp. Thus, all
the pics from Israel a couple of weeks ago, have literally correct stamp
relative to your current timezone, whereas the metadata entry is correct
according to the local timezone where the shot was made. :-)

I have only raw files to look at, but imo, the mac can't be the culprit here.

You're quite right, Mac OS is not the culprit at all. Image files on a card written by the DS do not have the "Created" date field in the FAT file directory filled out. I used the Terminal to read direct from the SD card's file system using the GetFileInfo development tool:

$ ./GetFileInfo -m /Volumes/NO\ NAME/DCIM/100PENTX/IMGP1529.PEF
03/11/2005 22:54:00
$ ./GetFileInfo -d /Volumes/NO\ NAME/DCIM/100PENTX/IMGP1529.PEF
02/05/2040 22:28:16

The -m option returns the Modified date, the -d option should return the Created date, but in the case of the Pentax *ist DS' SD file system, the latter is nil and the system grabs whatever bytes are in that offset on the FAT volume and translates them to a date.

The problem can be corrected pretty easily. Drag copy the files to your Mac OS X system, then use a script to pipe the <DATE STRING> output of "GetFileInfo -m <filename>" to "SetFile -d <DATE STRING> <filename>". Perhaps I'll write the script when I have a few moments...


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