On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 00:17:58 +0100, Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Frank
> I understand your rules well but for me, one important thing is missing:
> ---> You not only take a photograph, you publish it later by showing it at
> least here. <------
> That is, of course not a problem for me, because otherwise I would not see
> all the nice people PESO's here,
> but it is a different thing according to the law and would maybe make a
> difference to peoples decision to let you take a photo of them or just to
> find it "okay".
> What do you think?
> greetings
> Markus

AFAIK, the laws WRT publishing photos of people are different in
continental Europe than they are in the Common Law countries (meaning
basically Britain, the US, and most if not all of the British
Commonwealth countries).

In Canada (with the possible exception of the Province of Quebec) if
one is in public, with no reasonable expectation of privacy, I can
take your photo, and publish it.  I can't use it for commercial
purposes (ie:  to endorse or sell a product), but I can certainly sell
such photos if anyone would buy them <LOL>).

I know with the "anti-paparazzi" laws that are being proposed in some
places, that may change, but we have no such laws here, so I can take
and publish photos of people in public any time I want to.  Who I
photo, and when I show them is my decision.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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