----- Original Message ----- From: "mike wilson"
Subject: Re: PESO: The splendour and the misery of Berlin

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Markus Maurer" Subject: RE: PESO: The splendour and the misery of Berlin

Hi Frank
and still no answer from your side whether people **know that you are
publishing them later** and if they still **feel okay**?
greetings ;-)

The point is, it doesn't matter how they feel about it.
It becomes an issue of the ethics of the photographer, and how he or she feels about publishing a picture of someone without their permission.

Not just that but publishing against their express wishes.


The point is though, that the decision is the photographer's, not the subject's, at least in the jurisdiction that Frank and I live in.

William Robb

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