
Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 2:46:24 PM, Daniel wrote:

> In Hawaii, particularly in Maui, they have been widely criticized by
> full-time residents and regular visitors as ugly, noisy, disruptive and
> not in harmony with the rest of the community and the resorts.  I would
> imagine that some would find there presence in a historic city like 
> London to be less than desirable.

strangely enough, the only place in London I ever see them is at the
junction of St. James's St. and Piccadilly. Other than that they seem
to be invisible. I don't think I've ever seen one in the river.

They don't seem any more or less desirable than any of the other
traffic in London. If anything, they lighten things up a bit.

White vans, on the other hand...


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