I sold a Zeiss F-Distagon which I haven't used for a very long time:

and used the money to get a DA 14mm for the *isDS:

It'll give me 21 mm equivalency... my favorite focal lengths for 35mm are 19 - 21 mm.

When/if I get a full format Pentax digital, then I'll sell the DA.

Easy peasy, lemon squeasy. ;-)


Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

I have purchased two DA lenses because they are the best solution for the camera I'm using right now in their respective focal length range. While I don't believe the 16x24mm sensor format is going to go away anytime soon, I have no special insight into the future... but as long as I have this camera, these lenses are not obsolete. When I buy a different camera with, perhaps, a different sensor format, I'll buy lenses to suit it if these do not.


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