Hey whatever works for you. I prefer MF lenses and the way they affect my 
picture taking. Most AF lenses don't have the right feel for me.

-----Original Message-----
    From: "Christian"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: 29/03/05 20:34:17
    To: "pentax-discuss@pdml.net"<pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
    Subject: Re: I'm surprised that this one didn't attract a single bid
    Nick Clark wrote on 3/29/2005, 2:11 PM:
     > It's not just about optical quality, it's about the gestalt of picture
     > taking. MF lenses feel better and promote a more considered approach
     > to composition.
    Oh god... not this again...
    I'm not going to argue the "feel" because what feels good to you may not 
    for me.  But, how can you say that MF lenses "promote a more considered 
    approach to composition."?  In what way?  I can use AF lenses in MF mode 
    and treat them exactly like MF lenses.  Or I can use the multiple AF 
    sensor of my camera to focus on what I want.  Or I can use the AF and 
    recompose option.  The tools used cannot "promote a more considered 
    approach to composition."  Only the tool user (that would be you, the 
    photographer) can "promote a more considered approach to composition."
    Your statement is just as bad as the zooms vs. primes or automatic vs 
    manual arguments about learning composition.

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