> > Herb Chong said:
> > 
> > > in the wet darkroom, getting the perfect print from a negative once
> > > doesn't mean you will ever get it again.
> > 
> Shel Belinkoff said:
> >
> > That's a ridiculous statement ...
> > 
> Why is it ridiculous?
> Duplicating a print in the darkroom is hard if there is much manipulation
> happening to get it just right. Even if you keep good notes there is a lot
> of handwork, dodging and burning and so on that isn't able to be repeated
> exactly time after time, especially if some time elapses between the
> printing sessions for a particular negative.
> It sounds realistic to me, not ridiculous.

I agree.  And in any case, if you're going to reduce the process to a
mechanical following of a recipe/formula, you might as well let a
machine do the work - you've removed any creative input from the process
of creating those subsequent prints.

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