On 18/4/05, Antti-Pekka Virjonen, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Cotty, the Td5 is five cylinder, right? (to correct your typo ;-)
>Btw, ain't the Td5 a BMW design (or maybe it is a Land Rover design 
>from the BMW time)?

You are entirely correct A-P, the Td5 is a 5 cylinder diesel. It resides
in the Discovery series 2 that I drive on my work days. It's leased by my
employers for me to use, but not privately (aside from 6 months in 2003
when I temporarily had company car status and was able to use it
privately as well - you following this?) - hence we have our own car that
my wife uses, and me when I'm not working. This is a 94 Range Rover Tdi
which is a '300 Tdi' engine with 4 cylinders - and it was this engine I
was referring to at the end of this quote:

>> >> >So, how do you like your Ford, Cotty (grin)?
>> >>
>> >> Ain't no damn Ford badge on my motor, tosh!
>> >
>> >The new ones have Jaguar motors, though.
>> >(The old ones use a Buick).
>> You're talking about the V8s - I have a 2.5 litre four cylinder diesel
>> that is Land Rover through and through. 

Sorry about the confusion, Bruce. Er, Antti-Pekka.



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