You don't read much real in-depth news, do you, Godfrey...
You believe all the liberal press and people like Barbara Boxer and Chucky Shumer and Ted Kennedy tell you, right?

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
On Apr 19, 2005, at 8:31 AM, John Forbes wrote:

So when Bush and Blair say "They have weapons of mass destruction", they are simply employing a sarcastic elision of "They have no weapons of mass destruction".

No. When those yokels said "They have weapons of mass destruction" they meant "We intend to send armed forces to do battle in Iraq because we don't like them: give us the money to do it." And evidently both Congress and Parliament understood, and agreed.

You have to translate English to your native tongue with deference to the context. ;-)

... I didn't agree ...

Fortunately, no-one had to get your approval ahead of time...

It takes a critical thinker to understand what has happened, and why it DID happen.
You have to read more than the Sun and the Washington Post for accurate news.
I'd suggest the Monitor and the WSJ, for starters...
Find and read non-U.S. papers now and then.

Which is not to say I believe everything was done right. It wasn't. But, there were extenuating, non-foreseeable circumstances for most of the known screw-ups. Most of what has happened was right-headed. It happened for good reasons.

Ooops! Off the political rostrum.
I'll try to take it offline from now on. Sorry.
Back to your regularly scheduled Pentax discussions.


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