Thank you for responding!   :-)

I JUST purchased a new Apple system (G4 17" Powerbook) and have iPhoto v5.0.2, still waiting on Tiger arrival. I also use Photoshop as my photo finishing work. I just want to have a simple interface to store the photos for reference, organization and quick scan. When I get picky I pull out Adobe and go to town.

Here's the deal, I've migrated all my photofiles and data I had on the Dell. I attempted to pop in a JPG just to see how iPhoto would import. It identified it as an unrecognizable file. All other apps can read the file, but iPhoto cannot read it unless I open it in a separate app, like GraphicConverter and REsave it as a JPG. Then it'll work. Considering the thousands of photos I have to work with, that solution is silly. I'm going to test every file format option and see what I come up with.



"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
         - Albert Einstein
On Apr 29, 2005, at 12:29 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

I use iPhoto occasionally but only with finished JPEG images that I've edited in Photoshop ... I use it to set up making inexpensive bound books of photos.

I might be able to assist. What are you trying to accomplish with it, what version are you using?


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