Can anyone tell me if the Adobe DNG converter is a stand-alone application,
or does it function only as a PSCS plug-in?

An article I read, as well as Adobe's webpage for DNG
had me believing that it was a stand-alone app, but when I linked to the
download page I found it categorised according to the PS version it is to be
installed into. 

I'm not a PS user, and won't be unless I rejoin the professional fray.  I
just want to try raw processing of files from my new toy, a Fuji FinePix
S7000.  The Fuji raw converter supplied simply converts RAF files to TIF
files but offers no functionality.

I've installed a trial version of SharpRaw, which so far is the only non-PS
raw converter I've found to support RAF.  Does anyone here use SharpRaw?  If
so, what's your opinion?  I've found it a bit slow, I suspect it uses the
Windows page-file rather than creating its own swap-file like PS or The

But if Adobe DNG Converter is in fact a stand-alone app, then I could
convert RAF to DNG, which I'd then process with RawShooter essentials, which
is free.  Alas, RaawShooter doesn't support RAF.

Can you tell that I'm a cheap bastard?

Anthony Farr 

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