I agree on fascinating! I've bookmarked it for future viewing.

Boris Liberman wrote:

Many of you are probably as fascinated as I am by human origins, so
I'd like to post this animation which reconstructs the spread of
people out of Africa, according to current theory. It seems to match
the paths traced by Stephen Oppenheimer in his recent book.

Warning: if you think it all started 6,000 years ago underneath an
apple tree you might not want to look at this.


Very fascinating although very un-pentaxian :).

There is one thing that strikes me as particularly amazing. I've also seen something like this on TV in one of the popular science shows...

So there was this volcano eruption that left order of 10,000 people on Earth. From these 10,000 the rest evolved... When I stop and think of it, it just amazes me. Don't you agree?
> Boris

Yes, but you must figure there might only have been 20,000 people on earth, total, at that time!
That there were only 10,000 people left is not quite as much a disaster as you might imagine, from one standpoint.
I suspect you may have lost something like 50% of the population then.

Had there been 150,000 people on earth then, the loss would have been HUGE! An 87% population loss! A big hit to the gene pool!
The whole thing is amazing, truth be known... Very, very interesting indeed.

keith whaley

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