Last year there were 5 lab choices within a 10 minute drive, not counting Wal-Mart and CVS minilabs. Today there are 2. One is not lamented, one is, one neutral. Of the three that are gone each screwed up at least one roll of film, not so badly that usable images couldn't be obtained, but a immense amounts of work to color correct and/or spot in Photoshop. One of the main reasons I bought a *ist-D was to get control of my color photography. Now if there's a problem I know it's probably my fault.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

I hate to say it, Paul, but I'm noticing the start of similar problems at
one of the labs i use.  The problem has been solved - perhaps only
temporarily - by requesting a specific person to process the film I bring
in.  Fortunately, there are other lab choices here ... I shot some test
rolls yesterday and am going to have a different lab process the film.  It
kind of sucks to have to test the lab as well as everything else :-((


[Original Message]

I lost control of my color images. That was high on my list of reasons

for switching to digital. Yes, BW was fine. (And it remains so. I still
have a very nice darkroom.) But for much of what I do, I have to shoot
color. The best lab in the area was consistently kinking my 120 film so
that frame number one -- and sometimes number two as well -- was almost
always ruined. My color negative film was frequently coming back dirty and

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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