Just wanted to add my huge thanks to Cotty for organising things and to
all the other 'listers' for turning up and making it so good.

I absolutely love London (particularly the diversity as you walk around)
but don't spend nearly enough (leisure) time there.

I also live the PDML and the folk on here, but don't spend nearly enough
time here these days (damn work!)...

So the opportunity to combine both was not to be missed.

Borough market was fantastic.  I never knew the place existed, but shall
visit again in the future.  I loved the place so much that I would be
hard pressed to say which of that or the London Eye was best.  Not to
say the Eye was anything less than stunning!  Perfect time of day to be
up there - must say I was glad not to have to join the rather large
queues too.  I just love seeing any big city from up high at night.  The
Eye was over too quickly though, or at least the time seemed to go very
fast - as was the case for the whole gathering.  As others have
suggested it would be nice next time to have more time to chew the fat
with the other folk, and perhaps not such a hectic schedule - but I
wouldn't have changed the itinerary for the world.

Some great pics from everyone already - I shall add my own to Photosig
when I get round to it (damn work again).

Toodle pip - back to the grind now...


-----Original Message-----
From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 May 2005 20:16
To: pentax list
Subject: LONDON PDML 2005 more pics up

More pics from the weekend. It's all on one page, 23 pics about
averaging 40 kb (sorry dial-uppers - why not make a nice hot cup of tea
while it loads ;-)




||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
||=====|    http://www.cottysnaps.com

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