> From: "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/05/10 Tue AM 10:46:08 GMT
> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: RE: LONDON PDML 2005 more pics up
> Just wanted to add my huge thanks to Cotty for organising things and to
> all the other 'listers' for turning up and making it so good.

Seconded and I would like to add that the two hobbits seemed to enjoy 
themselves, too.  It was good to see youngsters having fun in the presence of 
adults.  Come to think of it, not entirely sure which was which.

The only downer was that last nigh Cath said, "That DS is rather cute, isn't 

Cue big eyes, white face and clutching at wallet.....

in coronary care

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