An interesting composition, but the figure is neither silhouette nor clearly seen. He's sort of lot in a deep shadow that makes me wish you had gone one way or the other.
On May 11, 2005, at 12:36 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:


This started out as a screwed up scan of an image that, it turned out, I
didn't care for, but I decided to run with it and see what could evolve.
Comments and crits invited and welcome. As Boris would say, be ruthless

Shel, you mis-cite me :). I don't remember using the term "ruthless"... Well, I am annoyingly pedantic though :(.

On my monitor it has a tint of blue/cyan on the walls which is quite strange. But then again it is MOMA, not your regular MA :).

I really like this from geometry, composition and the way lines converge point of view. But pardon my asking - where is the focus exactly? The guy's face is rather uniform in appearance - no features or even traces thereof :).

Boris-the-ruthless-on-demand :).

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