Professional photographers are every bit as diverse as any other group of 
people. Some tinker endlessly with images. Some won't take the time for that. 
Some think blown out highlights are cool. Some think oversaturated colors are 
cool. To generalize about what a "professional" might do is like pissing into 
the wind.

> >a "professional" photographer would not print/show it with the blown/white 
> >sky
> One of the "rules" of critical editing. Keep/show only your best. 
> >..those that are more professional would fix/do it differently.
> Actually for a working professional, they don't want/can't spend the time 
> getting it right after capture.
> Kenneth Waller
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: PESO:  Invitation to Hike
> In a message dated 5/20/2005 5:56:35 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> This is a nice composition & subject with good exposure & focus and aptly 
> fits your title.
> As posted it does a fine job of relaying the lay of the land so to speak. As 
> something more than that, i think it fails. 
> IMHO, I wouldn't have taken the shot as is, due to the blown out sky. Don't 
> know if there was a way to get a 'similar' view with no/less sky, but I would 
> have tried if I really wanted this shot for more than info.
> Perhaps another time of day or a different day with less direct light.
> Hope this helps
> Thanks for posting
> Kenneth Waller
> =============
> You know, I look at it and think it's okay. But I also look at it and think a 
> "professional" photographer would not print/show it with the blown/white sky. 
> So I guess there are different levels of standards. It was overcast that day, 
> so the sky was whitish anyway. It would have been better shot on less white 
> sky day to begin with.
> I find the reactions interesting, actually. Though now versed in PS would 
> correct it with masking stuff, those from a strong film/slide background 
> without 
> being that PS proficient are not bothered so much, and those that are more 
> professional would fix/do it differently. Or maybe those are my conclusions 
> from 
> the reactions, but that seems to be it.
> I probably will tweak it when I am more up on PS.
> Thanks for your input.
> Marnie 
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