On May 21, 2005, at 7:24 AM, Graywolf wrote:

it is kind of like pick-proof locks. If someone can design it, someone can figure out how to pick it.

This is basically the reasoning behind my own less-than-idealistic security policy.

I just try to stop the opportunists - the determined burglar is going to get what they want and stopping them is not worth the expense and day-to-day inconvenience.

As a result I try to maximise my ability to recover from disaster. This involves insurance for physical items, and backups for data. I assume total physical loss - eg the house burning down. Unfortunately I'll be totally screwed as far as my photos are concerned, but there's not a lot I can do about that. I won't be too disappointed if I'm still alive to take more.

I don't worry too much about protecting sensitive data because I don't have any truly sensitive data. Not even the Coke recipe.


- Dave


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