On 5/25/05, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought you were the anti-focus league leader, Frank :)... Kidding,
> sorry...

Well, I wouldn't say I'm the leader, but focus isn't as important to
me as it seems to be for others.  To put it another way, a strong
enough image that missed focus will often work for me, where others
might find it intolerable (I'm talking about images generally, not
just my own).
> Excellent. I am kinda glad that for once my photo did not work for you...

It had to happen some time.  <vbg>
> I suppose quite many soft focus images are controversial, which is a
> good thing, don't you agree?

I don't know that controversy for its own sake is a good or bad thing.  

I've liked several of the other soft photos that you've shown.  One
that stands out is a restaurant shot (I think), of an empty chair and
table by a window.  I recall the very strong geometries, especially of
the rectangular window frames.
> Thanks for your comment.

No problem. <g>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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