On 6/23/05, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 23/6/05, Chris Stoddart, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >
> >I'm surprised no-one has mentioned this programme yet - have none of you
> >been watching it? What do you think of it? If you don't know, it's on BBC4
> >Sundays immdiately after 'A Picture of Britain' with David Dimbleby on
> >BBC2 and repeated a couple of times later in the week.
> >
> >http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/features/digital-picture-britain.shtml
> >
> Yes, I saw the episode you mentioned.  Interesting, but i thought the
> approach was too light-hearted, and too 'dumbed down'. 


> That said, and if you approach it as light-hearted wallpaper, I suppose
> it's okay. I won't be particularly chewing at the bit waiting for the
> next one. If I remember it's on, I'll catch it if I can...

I think it's specifically meant to be dumbed down - I had a look at
the "interactive" tv thing that you could look at on digital, and it
was very much an introduction to photography; the same sort of "how to
control exposure using aperture and shutter speed" that is the start
of most "how to take photos" courses.

The program that I saw (A girl from Essex shooting Canvey Island with
a compact, a guy shooting reed cutting with a cameraphone and a
technophobe shooting somewhere else with some form of Canon-ic DSLR
beast [which ate his CF card...]) seemed to focus more on the stories
behind the photos (in the case of the Essex girl and the cameraphone
guy) as well as how the landscape had changed (with the cameraphone
guy - he was trying to take photos that showed the changes since
another photographer had shot the area in the early 1900s). The DSLR
guy talked more about technique and waiting around all day in a field
waiting for light - the "fun" side of photography...

I think it is very much meant to be slightly fluffy, and definately
not for the crowd who already have DSLRs and are off camping on the
sides of hills waiting for sunrise. Maybe not phone camera snappers,
but definately for the compat users who want somethign more. A bit
like me not long ago :) I thought it was quite good and definately
worth a watch, but it seems the eps are a bit variable...

They're taking entries for their gallery and competition at
http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/apictureofbritain/competition.shtml -
there's a few images in their tagged by someone called "Christopher
Abbott" if anyone wants to do some voting...

Billy Abbott
Photography - http://www.cowfish.org.uk/paw/

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