> From: "Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/06/24 Fri AM 12:50:37 GMT
> To: "pentax-discuss@pdml.net" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: Re: Paw: The scent of early summer
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 19:34:53 +0200, Jostein wrote:
> > http://www.oksne.net/paw/fertiliser.html
> Very nice, Jostein.  It sorta looks like part of a stage rally section.
>  Too bad they were working on the culvert in the lower left.
> Glad I can't smell it though! :-)  Road Atlanta is right in the middle
> of north Georgia chicken country, and we get quite an olfactory
> overload when we are there during summer evenings.  I've smelt farms
> fertilized with cow manure, and it's about the same level of "blech" in
> both cases.  Either way, I can mostly get used to it and not notice it
> after twenty minutes or so.

On an industrial estate in town (east coast of England) next to the sea, is a 
tripe factory.  Luckily, the prevailing winds are westerly.  When they change, 
business drops off in the town centre.  We used to have a brewery on the west 
side of town.  Boiling hops is not in the same rank as manure or tripe but has 
a pretty, er, _distinctive_ smell.

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