Actualy, i've made all the preparation, calculated the distance and
the angle... put the camera on the tripod and all that stuf...
then i asked a friend to come, focus on my eyes and click the
button... that time i was very sorry i don't have a remote...

On 6/26/05, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/26/05, Michael Spivak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's a photo of mine i took with my Canon (yack.....) digi...
> > i hope you like it :)
> >
> >
> It looks just like you!  <g>
> Actually, it's a pretty cool shot.  I like the way your cap covers the
> one eye, the way the cigarette is exactly between the fists, the
> facial expression, the way you've tilted your head down (like a
> fighter) so you're looking up at the camera.
> Very nice!  A fun shot.
> Were you looking at the LCD screen as you composed it (then looked
> into the lens at the last moment), or did you just pose and hope for
> the best?
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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