On 6/27/05, Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For all those with an interest in the DA 50-200, here's a 200% detail
> from the girl with two ice creams shot. I think it was Denny who said
> he saw a drip. Bingo! He get's the eagle eye award. I think the
> sharpness is good for this large a magnification. There's a bit of CA
> where the straw dontrasts with the hood of the car, but that's an
> extreme example. I didn't see any CA in other areas. In any case, the
> detail version is here:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3487715&size=lg

Woo Hoo. I was right. I often miss small details but I picked that one.

The sharpness is very good. But you've manage to do impressive things
with the 80-320. ;-)

> Someone else asked to see a wide open shot. This one is at 5.6,
> 1/1500th, ISO 400. By coincidence it happens to be another young lady.
> And no, I didn't chicken out and shoot her going away. I got her on the
> approach as well (she smiled). But I like this shot better:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3487689

As John Travolta said in Face Off, " I hate to see you go, but I love
to watch you leave"

very nice Paul.

> Paul

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