----- Original Message ----- From: "Shel Belinkoff"
Subject: Re: Don't need no stinkin' filters!

And some pictures are superb in every respect, but, for whatever reason,
have not sold.  That does not make them junk.  And some photos which are
pretty bad in many respects have found buyers, but that doesn't make them a
good photograph by any other standard.

Your first example is my list's #4,
that hasn't been marketed correctly.Your second one is a #1.

Recently I sold one of my photos to someone who saw it on the net
somewhere.  I never even considered it much of anything - just a
"photographic doodle," that was heavily adjusted in Photoshop.  She liked
it.  It sold.  Ergo, it's a good photograph.

To the buyer it is. To you, it
still must have been good enough to have bothered with, even is just as a

Herb's comment is an insult to the many good photographers here who have
not sold their work, yet who have produced stunning and wonderful
photographs. And I can practically assure you that there are many photos
sold by PDML members that hoover.

# 4 and #1 again.

Herb's comment was simple: if it will sell it's a good photo.

That sounds
like a pretty valid comment.On the rest, we can disagree and still be

William Robb

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