frank theriault wrote:

> I think that the rest of the world learned from Montreal '76. 
>  I doubt that debacle will ever be repeated.  In fact, IIRC, 
> the Olympic Commitee now makes sure that a proper funding 
> plan will be in place for each bid, to avoid such problems.

I hope you're right, but The National Football Stadium here (still under
construction) has run into such problems and the Millennium Dome has got to
be the biggest waste of space and money of all time (90s, ongoing).
> I should also say that the LA games (were they 84?) brought 
> in commercial sponsorship in a big way for the first time, so 
> that corporations, not governments alone, can put up the big 
> big bucks needed to run the Games.
> Congrats to London, BTW.  It'll be a hell of a party!

If it stated as such, fine. Building massive arenas for one off events are
fine if up front. But have a plan for the future of the sites if you aren't
having the world over to visit every few years, when it's just Aunt Jackie
and her dog.

Not sure I like the sound of all this commercialism at all anyway.


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