Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Hey you guys have been using digital for more than a couple of years. By now 
>> you
>> should be able to tell what kind of coverage a given lens has on an istD, 
>> Ds, Dl
>> without having to compair it to film cameras.
>Well, maybe some "have been using digital for more than a couple of years".
>However, some of us are newer at APS digital, and some of us (e.g., ~I~)
>are still "film-bound", so I think that the comparisons are still both
>valid and useful, at least here on the PDML (even if individual personal
>practice may make such "intracerebral translations" obsolete).

The comparisons are also very useful to those of us who still use film
in *addition* to digital. (Heresy, I know...)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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