On 7/27/05, Gautam Sarup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first post to PDML.
> I'm thinking of getting an MZ-S and wondered how
> solidly it's built.  Would it be likely to last
> a few decades of weekend use?  Also, how good is
> it at keeping dust out?  I travel a fair bit to
> dusty places so both things are important.
> Regards,
> Gautam

Welcome to PDML!  You're now in for life - you can never unsub from
this place, no matter how hard you try!  <vbg>

Just in case you haven't seen it (maybe you've been lurking for a
while, so you may be aware of this), here's a little informal FAQ that
Tom Rittenhouse compiled with the input of many list members:


Not so much rules as guidelines and helpful hints to make your stay an
enjoyable one.

He, of course, did not mention the most important rules:

1)  Never believe anything Cotty says, and,

2)  Never believe anything Mark Roberts says.

As for the MZ-S I don't have one, but they seem to be very sturdily
built, and for weekend use, I bet that 30 years isn't out of the
question (as long as the electronics last that long).

Not sealed like an LX, they're still one of the better sealed cameras
available, IMHO.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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