Hmmm. I leave both of my externals plugged in. Even if you have only one firewire connection, adding more is simple enough. I think moving drives is probably harder on them than letting them spin. But as I said, I back up everything on at least one set of DVD as well as on a drive.
On Jul 31, 2005, at 8:05 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hi Paul ... while I can't speak for Godfrey, here are a couple of thoughts: the computer doesn't have sufficient USB/Firewire connections to keep them both plugged in; by removing one it's not susceptible to the electronic and
mechanical glitches that can fry a drive; unplugged means it's not
spinning, reducing mechanical wear; unplugged means the drive can be stored
off premises ....


From: Paul Stenquist

Why would you unplug one drive and plug in the other?
Why not leave  them both plugged in?

On Jul 31, 2005, at 1:01 AM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

The most cost-efficient and reliable backup storage at present is a
pair external FireWire/USB 2.0 drives. Buy two, set them up
identically. When you plug in one to save stuff to it, after
disconnecting it plug in the other and do the same thing. That way you
always have two copies of every file.

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