On Jul 31, 2005, at 11:11 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

My life isn't on the computer, it's not organized around it.  All the
records i need to secure are elsewhere.

Yes, we have different ways of dealing with living. I moved all my record keeping, writing, bill paying, financial management, photography, and other office-oriented endeavors to the computer years ago. I didn't plan to, it's just turned out to be much easier and less time consuming to do it that way.

Although I worked in the computer industry for 20 some years, you have to understand that I don't love computers at all. They are just tools to me. Using them gives me much more time to do the things I want.

We're different - not only can i find what i want in a matter of moments, but somehow I can remember specific frames I shot thirty years ago. My stuff, while not highly organized, isn't strewn about. All negs are in one file cabinet except for the ones I'm working with. There is a semblance of
order to them.

I applaud your discipline and ability to file things. I've never had that discipline.

I'm not going to reenter that debate. ...

It's not a debate.

ok ... Let's not then.

Pleasure ... like writing with a fine pen, watching a movie on a large
screen in a nice theater v on a TV set attached to a high tech TIVO system,
reading a favorite book in hard cover v paper back.

Hmm. I started typing everything when I was in 6th grade because I hated writing things out longhand. That was more than 20 years before economical, computer word processors existed. But ...

I prefer cinema to television presentation (but 90% of the films I love to watch are only ever accessible via DVD ...). And I read two/ three books a week, hate reading anything of any length from a computer screen. I suspect we have more things in common that we enjoy than your comment implies. ;-)

One thing, though: I love the fact that I no longer have to carry fragile, delicate, easily damaged film, and lots of it, through airports and xray machines, etc. The 40 G storage device and 5G of storage cards took up far less space in my luggage on my trip to the UK than the 60-100 rolls of film I would have needed would have otherwise.

To get back to the original question ...
Yes, buy two external drives and copy your pictures to both of them. Cheap, effective, fast. I just bought a FireWire/USB 2.0 drive, Acomdata I think was the make, at Fry's which was a complete standalone drive for $180 after rebate, 320G capacity. That's enough capacity to hold about 30,000 uncompressed RAW image files, 10M apiece. Two of those should last a while if you are making 1000-4000 exposures per year in digital form.


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