On 8/4/05, Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the last shot of Valley of the Gods that might be worth
> showing.  Since you all have been kind enough to give me your feelings
> on "The Pyramid", hopefully you will do so here.
> This shot uses the haze as a way to convey shapes and distances.  Let
> me know what you think.
> http://www.daytonphoto.com/PAW/monumentvalley_0479a.htm

I really think this is a lovely shot.  The title leaves me a bit cold
(because it only ~sort~ of looks like a sub to me), but the photo is

I like the gradient haze, it really gives the shot depth, and
emphasizes the foreground formation.  But even the "sub" is behind
some haze, which sort of gives it an air of mystery.

Like all of your photos, it's beautifully composed.  

Put me down for a "thumbs up".


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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