At 08:35 PM 8/21/2005, you wrote:
Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Bob (who is actually an entomologist by original training)

Fascinating. Mind if I ask an entomological question?

My SO and I moved to Pittsburgh 3 years ago. Every summer, beginning in
August, we've heard (but not seen) what we have taken to calling a
"clickety bug". It makes an click-click-click-click-click noise (from 5
to 25 clicks) and then pauses for a minute or more. Unlike crickets, for
example, these bugs don't seem to exist in great numbers, as we can
usually detect no more than 4-5 of them in the immediate area. Any
suggestions as to what it might be? Just curious - and we have been for
3 years

There is a type of beetle called a click beetle. This may be one. They are harmless. Pick one up and put it upside down on your hand or other surface. It snaps its wing covers in such a manner that it will pop up in the air and - hopefully - land upright.

Gary J Sibio

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary numbers and those who do not.

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