Tom C wrote on 24.08.05 8:35:

> When FF sensors get low enough in price, get all those new
> customers to upgrade to FF and sell more FF lenses.
Wishful thinking I'm afraid. 5D is not going to sell in very large
quantities (for every 10000 sold 5D there'll be 1000000 sold APS-C DSLRs)
and there is no competition from any other company in this area. And there's
absolutely no situation like in D1 and D30 era, when compatition was higher
and there was no cheaper alternative at all, that's why introductory price
of these DSLRs fell quite quickly. These two factors won't allow for price
drop of FF in the near future. Thus C 5D will remain a class for itself. And
don't forget that so far many APS-C sensor sized DSLR users invested their
money in APS-C dedicated ultra wide angle lenses, which usually provides
better results than wide FF lenses on FF body...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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