----- Original Message ----- From: "Herb Chong"
Subject: Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

three almost indistinguishable DSLRs in production at the same time doesn't make retailers happy. this strategy has been tried before.

I recall Canon making our life difficult with the Rebel film camera. I think they had 3 different versions in about a year and a half. Every time the new one came out, the old one had to be really deeply discounted, or else it wouldn't sell. Twice, the company I worked for fell for a discount offer from Canon when they wanted to blow a camera out of their warehouse because the replacement model was on it's way, and twice, we ended up selling that camera body below our (discounted) cost just to get it out of ours. The buyers smartened up and didn't fall for the ruse the third time, so Canon just made sure our orders were always backordered for the replacement Rebel.

William Robb

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