On Friday, August 26, 2005, at 10:03  AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

Not specifically, but then it may not have been anything specific. This
long, slow attrition at Kodak has really killed morale there, even, I
suspect, amongst people whose jobs are relatively safe. Incidentally, I
think "pessimistic" may have been the wrong word to use because this is
a very optimistic person by nature. 'I think "resigned" might be a
better word. I think he believes it's just a matter of time until his
job goes. That may not be true, but almost everyone I spoke to seems to
*feel* this way.

Go into a mass marketer that sells inkjet printers and count how many Kodak printers you see for sale. In almost all cases it will be zero.

Look at inkjet paper and you'll see some Kodak packages, but that is such a competitive market that I don't think anyone is making much money from it. There are just too many companies supplying inkjet paper.


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