So will I. Please pass along RIT(?) gleanings as


--- Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I need to clarify some of this.:
> >When I was in Rochester last weekend I checked in
> with my friends who
> >work at Kodak. The ones who work in the division
> that makes imaging
> >chips seemed fairly optimistic but everyone else
> was absolutely gloomy.
> First thing I did last Saturday was get up to go
> running with my old
> marathon training buddies. This is a large group
> that started (25 years
> ago) at Kodak and Kodak employees still make up a
> large percentage of
> the group. (Ex-Kodak employees are present in
> significant numbers, too.)
> A couple of my friends work in the imaging sensor
> division, the rest are
> scattered throughout the company. One just retired
> after spending his
> whole career in Kodak's HR department. He seemed
> very relieved to be out
> of Kodak. The CCD guys were very excited about the
> 18 megapixel chip
> that's going into the Pentax 645 Digital, but let's
> face it, this isn't
> going to sell in very big numbers no matter how nice
> it is.
> >I know a chemist who works on inkjet papers and
> related stuff and he
> >didn't seem optimistic about the way things were
> going at all.
> I met my chemist friend later in the day. (He's
> working part-time at
> shop that sells running shoes & stuff - I don't
> think he's desperate for
> money, but he likes hanging out with and helping
> other runners.) He used
> to do research on color negative film, but that
> group was disbanded a
> few years ago. I get the impression there isn't
> much, if any, research
> being done on color neg film these days.
> I'm going back up to Rochester in October. I'm going
> to try to meet with
> some people at RIT. It'll be interesting to hear
> their point of view on
> things.
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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