
I can't say as this photo does much for me.  There's a guy in a suit
walking down the street.  He's not doing anything, he's not involved
in a situation that's captured in the photo, there's no interesting
expression on his face.  Quite honestly, I don't find much interesting
about him at all.

The street scene itself doesn't do much either, as (for one thing),
the man in the suit so predominates the frame that there's not much to
see of the street anyway.

Sorry, Boris, but I have to be honest...

I wouldn't ask anything else from you, Frank, or for anyone else on the list.

I suppose that after living for 13 years in the country where man wearing a proper suit is as unusual on the street as a walking elephant I was a bit, how to put it, surprised...

Well, it is just a sketch but I thought of it as very quintessential of London - people sitting by the street eating something, a strange (to me) looking man in the suit walking past them, and the car and the buildings...

I suppose you (and many others) witness the same dozen times a day... I don't :-).... Speak of cultural differences...

Nonetheless, you may be right and I'd keep posting my London Sketches for a while more...


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